Friday 11 April 2014

The translator, by Feli travieso.

Hello  everyone!!
This week I was assigned the translator role. The words that I have chosen are quite related with the topic we are, researching, studying, and comparing. All of them are forming part of the same semantic field, but I will appoint through my definitions, some differences that should be noted. I  will also focus the translation on the educational field.
In order to enrich you with more words in English I will also write all the definition's synonyms and antonyms.
It is when You give every child the type of education needed in the least restrictive environment, abandoning clinical or diagnostic labels.Which means leave the labels and meet the needs.
Therefore, integration is not  an indiscriminated return of all children with special needs to regular classes. Nor allow children in special schools remain in regular classrooms without the support services required.
Synonyms: fusion, meeting, incorporation, unification, blending, mixing.
Antonyms:  disintegration, separation, maladjustment.
Is is the quality of being fair or impartial. When opportunities are the same for everyone even if they are different.  We all are not equal, and equity is the way to provide equal resources for different people.

Synonyms: fairness, impartiality, objectivity, justice, moderation.
Antonyms: partiality, injustice.
It is a human right by law personhood. Inclusive approach in the classroom includes:
  • It focuses on the classroom, classroom-student characteristics.
  • Teaching learning factors are discussed.
  • Troubleshooting collaborative teacher and peers.
  • Strategies for teachers to have the capacity to adapt.
  • Classroom environment that promotes and supports adaptation regularly.
Synonyms: introduction, incorporation, installation, penetration, placement.
Antonyms: Removal, Foreclosure, deletion.
Segregation is the different distribution of individuals in a specific reference-ethnic, social ... feature - with negative effects for certain categories of individuals. In other words, is when people belonging to a particular group (socioeconomic status, race, sex, religion, physical abilities or intellectual) do not mix with others different from them. Segregation either way, has consequences, probably in terms of inequality and unequal learning opportunities.
Synonyms: breakdown, secession, separation, discrimination, , dislocation
ecretion, sweating, evacuation, perspiration, dripping
, discharge, separation, disunity, disseverance.
  unite, add, integrate, host.
Discrimination is a situation in which a person or group is treated unfavorably because of prejudice, usually because the discriminated people, (children in this case) belong to a distinct social category; It should also be distinguished from positive discrimination (which is differentiation and recognition). Among those categories are race, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic rank, age and disability.
Synonyms: unfairness, bias, bigotry, hatred, prejudice, partiality, intolerance, favouritism, hate, race hate, racial hatred, racial discrimination, injustice, narrow-mindedness, provincialism, racism, racialism, sexism. 
Antonyms: Equality, Equity, Inclusion, integration.
These words have great social impact nowadays, and we should all work towards the integration, inclusion and equity. We also should be able to avoid at all costs discrimination and segregation  that  will undoubtely lead our society to a narrow-minded path of ancient mentality.
Having thoroughly searched the definitions of words that although similar, have different connotations, I enclose the pages  where I have extracted the relevant information.
Doc. 1: De Haro, R. (2011). La evolución histórica de la Educación Especial: de la educación segregada a la educación para todos.

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