Showing posts with label Curator Farmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curator Farmer. Show all posts

Friday 11 April 2014

Curator farmer, by Raquel Pleayo

This week I have been the curator farmer. Firstly, I have to know how to do the “pearltree” and how it works. This is an easy way to have a global vision of what we have done during the course and in each week, specifying where we have looked information, in which websites.

So, this week I have added in the “pearltree” all the links of the final conceptual maps of each topic, because we have made some questions about those topics and their answers. Then with the final conceptual maps we have a good vision about all the topic and it easier to understand.

Here is the section of the conceptual maps.


- Education rush hour (02-04-2014). Topic 1: "Educational System", conceptual map.
Found in:

- Give me 7 (03-04-2014). Topic2: "The Primary School", conpetual map 
Found in:

- Hide and Seek and The little ants (01-04-2014). Topic 3:"Organization of Primary Education" conceptual map.
Found in:

- Teachleaders (01-04-2014). Topic 4:"Organizational Variations and Alternative Structures In Primary Education" conceptual map.
Found in:

- Brain Storming and Step by Step (03-04-2014). Topic 5: "Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level 1" conceptual map.
Found in:

- (31-03-2014). Topic 6:"Governance of Non-University Public Institutions" conceptual map.
Found in:

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Work as Curator-Farmer by Rosana Yepes

This week I have been the Curator-Farmer. To be honest, I don’t like so much my work because it is very simple and it is very difficult being innovative and creative. Even I still think it is a necessary work because we must have the references recollected in order to when we study this subject. Moreover, the topic of this week is not my cup of tea; I don’t like so much the law. However, it doesn’t want to say that it doesn’t be important. Indeed, now with the law´s change is more important knowing it.
On the other hand, the dynamic that we used the last Monday, I don’t understand at all, because it was estrange having to evaluate my own conceptual map. I thing I didn’t understand exactly the activity. In contrast, I liked a lot the tool which we used in order to evaluate the conceptual maps.  
In regarding to the feelings, this week has been a bit difficult due to internal problems, but now I hope we face the least of the semester with a positive aptitude and trying to overtake our difficulties, our misunderstandings and we overtake our goals successfully.
Once more, congratulations partners!!

Friday 28 March 2014

Curator farmer by Rocío Ramón

This week I have been the curator farmer, it has been a different week because, for personal reasons I have missed quite a class and I could not spend much time with my teammates. But next week I'll try and make all my teammates working more. As curator farmer I have learned to use pearl tree that I find very interesting and a great way to organize your work and have referenced it. It has been fun to discover for myself how to use it and once I already knew was very easy. The worst being cuartor farmer this week has been that there was not much reference as there was no looking information if not use our previous work. I am very happy with my group and I are all hard workers and imagintavos, or I hope we progress each week and we can be the best!

Sunday 16 March 2014

The curator by María Moreno

This week I´ve been the Curator farmer. I think that it is a very interesting role, because we can learn better how to reference in APA style and how to do a small “tree” with lot of information about a topic.
I also had to look for the disadvantages of textbooks, because we needed them to write the fable with sense.
I want to mention how interesting the last week was, when Mercedes visited us. I really like her explanation about how we can teach without books, using interesting topics and different ways of teaching. So when she left the classroom I only thought than I want to be like her, so I will work hard in order to reach my goal.
I also want to say something about the result, because I really like the fable, it explains perfectly the dark side of textbooks in a way that children could understand easily.

In conclusion, I think that our results are good and that we will have a great ending.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Curator-farmer role by Fernando Tortosa Cutillas

At first none of us knew what a "pearltree" was, so we had to explore and investigate about it and how it works. But now, we have been using "pearltrees" for three weeks and we can say that it is a great way of learn by making easier the search of information.
The task this week was about Free resources, Creative commons licences and how to make good presentations with slides. We had to create two slides presentations and to upload them to "slideshare", one about Creative commons licences and another about tips for making a good presentation.
All the information, photos, videos and audios must be Creative commons licenced so this week the search of information was a little more difficult than the previous weeks but finally we had found a great amount of photos and also a song that we have used in our presentations called "One Big Holiday - My Morning Jacket" that were Creative common licenced.
My job as curator-farmer was to collect all the links of the information we had used, to organize them and to put them into APA Style.
I add here the link of the new pearltree section called "Telling Stories: Free resources and visual presentations."


Argofox Creative Commons (06-05-2013). "What is Creative Commons" Explanation Video
Available in:

Blmiers2 (2011). Misty Morning Sunrise - Alaska Landscape
Available in:

Brainstorming (2014). Creative Commons & PWP tips
Available in:

Brainstorming (2014). Presentation of citizenship education. Topic: recycling
Available in:

Enriquez, M.A. (2010-08-30). Deer Hand Puppet ~ 1 of 6 photos
Available in:

Enriquez, M.A. (2009). PBR Recycled Beer Can.
Available in:

Enriquez, M.A. (2009-05-30). "Shoe Birdhouse" 1.
Available in:

Inhabitat Blog (2013-03-03) Housewares show 2013 Brazil Think Plastic
Available in:

"One Big Holiday - My Morning Jacket"  WIRED Magazine CD , 2004 - Licensed under Creative Commons Noncommercial Sampling Plus

Video Magazine (9-05-2012). Creative Commons & Copyright Info
Available in:

Withington, D. (2009-02-01). 'Elf Shelter' Rainwater Collector
Available in:

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Curator farmer Cultivating by Feli Travieso

Taking the role of the curator farmer was challenging, because new ways of learning scares a bit the first time you have to face with a new tool.
However, I have found the task rather easy and enjoyable, because as I have explained in the previous class when we were exposing, even though nowadays we live in a world where innovation and creativity are the keys to become successful, we should not forget that is imperative not only to domain these characteristics, but also the perception and how we interpret what we see, hear, feel smell…
In order to become good teachers in the future, persuasion plays a fundamental role. For this reason, when I started to create the pearl tree, not only did I match all the information collected, but also I have tried to organize and implement it in a way that can be appealing to viewers in order to provide them with new ideas of how being a good professional.
The ideas are ordered and divided by historical areas, so that introduces you to the principles of cartographic maps driving viewers through the history through images and links.
·      The Mercator projection map followed by explanations, pros and cons, such the reason why Google maps and apple are using this project.
·       The second one is the Robinson cartographic projection, followed by its explanations.
·      Comparisons Mercator Vs. Peters
·      Azimuthal would be the following one, same pattern that Mercator and Robinson is followed here.
·     A Map projection of the earth together with an explanation enlightening people about the imperfections of all projections. Here we are going to study the extension differences in Bolivia and Germany through Mercator’s projection.
·      The technics that a good teacher can use to make the subject appealing to students through a wide variety of tools. A example is the treasure hunt and having in mind that first day school can be difficult to face for most student, the treasure map web we downloaded can help to dwindle children insecurity, fears or lacking of interaction with fellows.
·      The following one has nothing and everything to do with learning, even though these maps are not the ones used in schools, it would not be a bad idea to have them as learning alternatives, where children can be acquainted through a creative map, with relevant information such as the places with more population or places where there are most prone to the storms. That section was introduced with an interesting video that will encourage people to be curious about how a map can be used to achieve diverse objectives.
Well I should say that searching the proper way to classify all the topics has helped me to realize that If I were a primary education teacher, I would use not only the Mercator map, Robinson or Azimuthal, what I would definitely implement is the interaction between the three during the path of primary education learning for the following reasons.
6 Year old children, cognitively see the world in a simpler way, they do not think abstractly. That is why I personally would start with the Mercator the first year, being the most inaccurate one will be at the same time the easiest way to learn for children, because they will gradually gain a good knowledge in this area, so the simplicity of the Mercator would be more appropriate, and to enricher their knowledge I would also combine this map with creative maps that could help children to associate in a funny way countries with any topic, such the creative and educative maps that I added in the pearl tree .Once children get the basics, It would be advisable to continue with Robinson, which is more accurate that the Mercator, finally at the age of more or less 10 I would propose them the challenge of a more abstract view as is the Azimuthal map that is the most accurate of the three.
I have made the experiment with my 5 years old daughter. Her father was born in Germany and currently working in Phuket, she easily finds the location of these places with a Mercator after being told just once where the places were. However she could not find the destinations in an Azimuthal map, she explained me that everything seemed the same for her.
I enclose the pearltrees link; I truly hope that it can be useful for our future students.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Curator Farmer Cultivating by Cristian Paco

Cultivating Knowledge

If someone told me that the knowledge can be cultivate as the same way of a tree, I would say "noo way" but indeed it is possible and we did it.
"Pearltrees" as a concept is something new and quite tricky to understand from the beginning, but as much you get into, it become easier and clearer to use, maybe one of the most interesting part of pearltrees is the interconnection between other pearltrees and for this reason I have open a pearl with just inter-links about our subject "TPACK". To better understand what I am writing in here let's move trough the pearls by clicking on the link below.
As you can see, "pearltree" is an idea based on conceptual mapping in which we do not only add concept  but, videos, web sites, files, etc. This is the proper tool to tidy up our messy interactive bibliography in order to find out straightaway what we are looking for by just clicking on the subject we are interested, however it wouldn't be that easier if there’s not a previous organization of it, that's why we should  organize it by scales, from main topic through sub-topics  labelling then and embedding a picture relating to the topic, then is going to be much easy to catch up our link.
Other interesting part in my role for this week is to reference the fonts by APA style. "What a head ache". It was the first sentence passing through my mind when I saw my duties for this week. "How can I use APA style? what’s the way to do it with a video from youtube? many many question and not many answers but now after a week, everything change, I know how to do it and I'll be able to transmit it to my team in the further tasks, also I even find it rather interesting as we can reach easily to the original information. 

Baran, E., Chuang, H. & Tompson, A. (October, 2011). TPACK: An emerging research and development tool for teacher educators. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. volume 10 Issue 4
Buzan, T. (2011). Tony Buzan inventor del Mind Map. [].
Mathew, J & Joshua, M. (November, 2012). Tpack. [].
Keinon, G. (202, Abpril 4). Mind maping can help dyslexic. [].
Youtube. (2011, Mayo 4). Education evolution. [video file]. Retrieved from
Youtube. (2013, Abril 26). TPACK in 2 Minutes. [video file]. Retrieved from
Youtube. (2012, Agosto 26). Jordi Adell: diseño de actividades según el TPACK. [video file ]. Retrieved from: